The associated schools of DSEC keep developing their 3D projects and reviewing the designs developed during the final conference. They are working with the support of DSEC and TUC. The creative work will continue after the p...

On May 5th, 2023 a MAKER SCHOOLS Workshop was organized at the 12th Students Digital Creativity Festival in Chania, Crete. It included a presentation of MAKER SCHOOLS outputs and a workshop for creating a 3D model of...

A meeting of the schools participating in the MAKER SCHOOLS project was organized by the Chania Secondary Education Directorate and held on 23 March 2023 at the Chania Cultural Centre. The meeting was attended by groups o...

The Erasmus Info Day was organized by DSEC and the Regional Directorate of Education of Crete, to inform local teachers and schools directors a) how to apply for new Erasmus+ projects and b) how to participate in learning act...

During the MUS-E training program on the use of digital technologies in Arts-based education, organized by Technical University of Crete (Oct 2022), the Greek MAKER SCHOOLS team delivered a 3D STEAM workshop focused on the ...

The eTwinning Quality Label was awarded to the teachers and students of 3 high schools in Greece (Music School of Chania, 7th High School of Chania, High School of Archanes) for their participation in the MAKER SCHOOLS eTwinn...

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