At the end of April and during May, two major STEM events targeted at 7th graders looking for their future high school were held. As part of the ZARA Spring Tech Festival in Stara Zagora, local schools held the IT Schools- Open Doors Days. On April 27 and May 5, all primary schools allowed their 7th graders to visit local high schools with a STEM profile and choose where they would like to study during their secondary education. In addition, on May 15, the Vocational Education Days were held, when all vocational schools opened their doors to the 7th graders. Among the most visited schools were the High School Profiled in Natural Sciences and Mathematics “Geo Milev”, Vocation High School  of Electronics “Jon Atanasov” and Secondary School “Ivan Vazov”. More than 2000 students visited these schools during these events. The MAKER SCHOOLS project results were presented through leaflets and newsletters, and demonstrations were made with the 3D printers used in the schools.


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