The 11th Students’ Digital Creativity Festival ( ) took place in Heraklion, Crete on May 14th, 2022. This regional event lasted 4 days and was supported by the Regional Directorate of Education of Crere and the Greek Ministry of Education. The MAKERS project was presented at the festival by Chara Xanthaki and Charalambos Koutsourelakis (DSEC), 3 teachers and 12 students of 2 associated schools (Music School of Chania and High School of Archanes) who organized:
a) a 3D design workshop
b) a 3D design with code workshop
c) an exhibition of 3D designs and 3D printing that was open to all visitors of the festival.

30 students and 2 teachers attended the 3D Design workshops and were introduced to 3D design with either drawing or coding. They were also informed about the MAKER SCHOOLS project and were invited to participate in upcoming project activities and events.

Around 1000 students, teachers and parents visited the MAKER SCHOOLS exhibition and were informed about the MAKERS project and the school projects implemented by the MAKER SCHOOLS associated schools.

>> Download the Program of the 11th Digital Creativity Fest


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