
The MAKERS partners met in Chania, Greece, in the period 20-22 September, 2022 for a short-term staff training event – the MAKERS Transfer Workshop. The event was hosted by the Directorate for Secondary Education in Chania.  All partners were represented by either trainers or trainees.

The first day of the workshop was devoted to training following the content of the training program Introduction to 3D design and 3D printing. In addition to basic conceptual and theoretical training, a practical workshop was held and all participants had the chance to complete and print their first 3D design. The second day of the workshop was devoted to training following the content of the training program Python for 3D printing and creative explorations of 3D models. Specifically, the trainees learned how to work with OpenSCAD using a special Python library. The conceptual and theoretical training was combined with practical tasks in order to ensure that the trainees are learning by doing.

The third day of the workshop was an opportunity to meet and work with some of the key project stakeholders – students and teachers from the Chania region. Representatives of two Chania schools attended the workshop and presented the projects that they developed in the frame of the MAKERS project and with the help of the Greek MAKERS team. The participants were also active in a MAKERS eTwinning project, for which they received a Quality Label by the Greek Erasmus+ National Agency. The project partners from all countries shared good practices for STEM education, and in particular activities focused on 3D design and printing.  

An additional half-day working meeting was attended by all Greek and Bulgarian partners on 23 September 2022. The partners discussed new initiatives for exploitation of the results and worked on fine-tuning Outputs 1 and 2.


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