An online survey was organized in Greece in February 2021. There were 37 participants: 67% were teachers, 19% were school directors and 14%  were experts on 3D  technologies and programming. 70% stated that they do not have access to a 3D printer at school. A remarkable 30% were teachers with previous experience in 3D technologies from Crete and other regions of Greece interested in learning more and participating in new 3D projects.   Regarding 3D software, 54% of teachers have no previous experience and the rest were familiar with Tinkercad (30%), Autocad (12%), or other programs (14%).  Also, 78%  have no experience with Python and 57% have no experience with physical computing.  It was encouraging that 97% of the participant stated that they are interested in participating or organizing an extracurricular course about 3D technologies.


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