Greek students tested the MAKER SCHOOLS teacher training program
Stakeholder outreach Student training

Greek students tested the MAKER SCHOOLS teacher training program

Just before the end of the school year, students in Chania tested some of the Tinkercad exercises and activities included in the teacher training program developed in the project. Students we successful in the activities and some of them finalized their designs after just 2 hours of practice.
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Work with schools in Greece continues even as the MAKER SCHOOLS project is approaching its end
eTwinning and other exploitation initiatives Stakeholder outreach

Work with schools in Greece continues even as the MAKER SCHOOLS project is approaching its end

The associated schools of DSEC keep developing their 3D projects and reviewing the designs developed during the final conference. They are working with the support of DSEC and TUC. The creative work will continue after the project's end.
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Final MAKER SCHOOLS conference held in Stara Zagora
Project events Stakeholder outreach

Final MAKER SCHOOLS conference held in Stara Zagora

The final dissemination event in the MAKER SCHOOLS project was held in Stara Zagora on May 29, 2023. 40 students and teachers participated. The following schools were represented: Primary School “Kulata”, KazanlakVocational High School Light Industry and Toursim, Kazanlak High School Profiled in the Humanities “St. St. Kiril and Methodius”,...
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Mugla Provincial Directorate of National Education, Turkey, organizes student training
Student training

Mugla Provincial Directorate of National Education, Turkey, organizes student training

36 students from Mugla province are given courses on 3D printer applications and modelling programs (TINKERCAD). The classes continue until the end of May 2023.
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Final MAKER SCHOOLS conference held in Mugla, Turkey
Project events Stakeholder outreach

Final MAKER SCHOOLS conference held in Mugla, Turkey

The MAKER SCHOOLS final conference was held May 17, 2023. The participants were 11 students (lower secondary school and upper secondary school) and 25 teachers/directors. In addition, there were 3 school principals and 1 vice principal from different schools and institutions (primary school, secondary school and upper secondary schools, Assessment...
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Schools cooperating with MAKER SCHOOLS demonstrate 3D printing to 7th graders from primary schools in Stara Zagora
Project events Stakeholder outreach

Schools cooperating with MAKER SCHOOLS demonstrate 3D printing to 7th graders from primary schools in Stara Zagora

At the end of April and during May, two major STEM events targeted at 7th graders looking for their future high school were held. As part of the ZARA Spring Tech Festival in Stara Zagora, local schools held the IT Schools- Open Doors Days. On April 27 and May 5,...
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Final MAKER SCHOOLS conference organized in Gabrovo, Bulgaria
Project events Stakeholder outreach

Final MAKER SCHOOLS conference organized in Gabrovo, Bulgaria

The final dissemination conference in Gabrovo was held May 12, 2023. Over 30 student and teachers participated. The project team presented the developed learning resources. The students also received practical demonstrations in the area of 3D technology.
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Student training in Mugla
Project events Student training

Student training in Mugla

At the initiative of Muğla Directorate of National Education, 36 students received training on 3D printer applications and 3D modeling program. The classes started in early May 2023 and will continue until the end of May 2023. Students are able to print their creations using a 3D printer. The learning...
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MAKER SCHOOLS Workshop at the 12th Students Digital Creativity Festival
eTwinning and other exploitation initiatives Project events Stakeholder outreach Student training Teacher training

MAKER SCHOOLS Workshop at the 12th Students Digital Creativity Festival

On May 5th, 2023 a MAKER SCHOOLS Workshop was organized at the 12th Students Digital Creativity Festival in Chania, Crete. It included a presentation of MAKER SCHOOLS outputs and a workshop for creating a 3D model of a local monument, as described in the teacher training program developed in the...
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MAKER SCHOOLS 3D Creativity Workshop organized in Chania, Greece
Project events Stakeholder outreach

MAKER SCHOOLS 3D Creativity Workshop organized in Chania, Greece

The MAKERS 3D Creativity Workshop – Dissemination Conference took place April 27 2023, in Chania, Greece. 41 students, teachers and educational experts took part. We presented MAKERS results (project outputs and activities) and had a problem-solving workshop using 3D technologies and the Design Thinking Approach. The participants worked in groups...
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The MAKER SCHOOLS team from Stara Zagora meets with teachers from the region to share good practices from the project
Project events Stakeholder outreach

The MAKER SCHOOLS team from Stara Zagora meets with teachers from the region to share good practices from the project

On 19 April 2023, the Stara Zagora project team meet with 16 teachers from Stara Zagora and the adjacent towns during a working meeting entitled "Strengthening student creativity and STEM engagement through the integration of 3D design and programming into secondary school learning". The participants shared and discussed ideas and...
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Workshops for the Greek schools participating in MAKER SCHOOLS
eTwinning and other exploitation initiatives Project events Student training Teacher training

Workshops for the Greek schools participating in MAKER SCHOOLS

A meeting of the schools participating in the MAKER SCHOOLS project was organized by the Chania Secondary Education Directorate and held on 23 March 2023 at the Chania Cultural Centre. The meeting was attended by groups of students and their teachers from the Music School of Chania, the Standard EPAL...
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The MAKER SCHOOLS project was presented during the Erasmus Info Day in Chania, Crete
eTwinning and other exploitation initiatives Project events Stakeholder outreach

The MAKER SCHOOLS project was presented during the Erasmus Info Day in Chania, Crete

The Erasmus Info Day was organized by DSEC and the Regional Directorate of Education of Crete, to inform local teachers and schools directors a) how to apply for new Erasmus+ projects and b) how to participate in learning activities and events of the Erasmus+ MAKER SCHOOL project. 44 school teachers...
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Student training at John Atanasov Vocational School of Electronics in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Project events Student training

Student training at John Atanasov Vocational School of Electronics in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

On 10 November 2022 the team of the MAKER SCHOOLS project organized training for students and teachers at John Atanasov Vocational School of Electronics in Stara Zagora. The participants learned about 3D modelling using Fusion 360. The MAKER SCHOOLS team also demonstrated in practice how to use the 3D printer....
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MAKER SCHOOLS workshop delivered during the MUS-E training program on the use of digital technologies in  Arts-based education
eTwinning and other exploitation initiatives Project events Stakeholder outreach

MAKER SCHOOLS workshop delivered during the MUS-E training program on the use of digital technologies in Arts-based education

During the MUS-E training program on the use of digital technologies in Arts-based education, organized by Technical University of Crete (Oct 2022), the Greek MAKER SCHOOLS team delivered a 3D STEAM workshop focused on the design of local monuments and Cycladic Art figurines. The workshop was attended by around 20...
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Training for students organized at Technical University – Gabrovo
Project events Student training

Training for students organized at Technical University – Gabrovo

On October 27, 2022 Technical University - Gabrovo welcomed more than 25 students and teachers from the town's Vocational Technical School “Dr. Nikola Vasiliadi” in a training focused on 3D design and printing. Several representatives of the IT business also participated in the event and shared their experience with the...
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Cybersecurity – The New Challenge in the Industry 4.0 Context!
Useful links

Cybersecurity – The New Challenge in the Industry 4.0 Context!

With the advent of IT and in the rise of Industry 4.0, businesses are facing new challenges connected to cybersecurity and data protection. This is especially valid for production SMEs which often don’t have the internal resources and capacity to effectively evaluate cybersecurity risks corresponding with newly implemented Industry 4.0-based...
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The project advances further during the MAKERS Transfer Workshop in Chania, Greece
Project events

The project advances further during the MAKERS Transfer Workshop in Chania, Greece

The MAKERS partners met in Chania, Greece, in the period 20-22 September, 2022 for a short-term staff training event – the MAKERS Transfer Workshop. The event was hosted by the Directorate for Secondary Education in Chania.  All partners were represented by either trainers or trainees. The first day of the...
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eTwinning Quality Label for the MAKERS eTwinning project
eTwinning and other exploitation initiatives

eTwinning Quality Label for the MAKERS eTwinning project

The eTwinning Quality Label was awarded to the teachers and students of 3 high schools in Greece (Music School of Chania, 7th High School of Chania, High School of Archanes) for their participation in the MAKER SCHOOLS eTwinning project during school year 2021-2022. The aim of the project was to...
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First in situ project meeting in Gabrovo, Bulgaria
Project events

First in situ project meeting in Gabrovo, Bulgaria

The MAKERS partners met in person for the first time in a regular project meeting. The meeting took place in the period 30 June - 1 July 2022 and was hosted in Bulgaria by the Technical University of Gabrovo. All project partners were represented. The Agenda focused on finalizing the...
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Local TV channel ( news report about MAKERS school projects in 11th Digital Creativity Festival
Project events Stakeholder outreach

Local TV channel ( news report about MAKERS school projects in 11th Digital Creativity Festival

One of the two students' projects presented in the KRITI TV news report from the 11th Digital Creativity Festival (held in Heraklion, Crete on May 14, 2022) is that of the Music School of Chania team. The school project is focused on 3D design and printing, and was supported by...
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1000 students, teachers and parents visited the MAKER SCHOOLS exhibition during the 11th Students' Digital Creativity Festival in Heraklion, Crete
Project events Stakeholder outreach

1000 students, teachers and parents visited the MAKER SCHOOLS exhibition during the 11th Students' Digital Creativity Festival in Heraklion, Crete

The 11th Students' Digital Creativity Festival ( ) took place in Heraklion, Crete on May 14th, 2022. This regional event lasted 4 days and was supported by the Regional Directorate of Education of Crere and the Greek Ministry of Education. The MAKERS project was presented at the festival by Chara...
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MAKERS workshop at the "Students' Digital Creativity Festival" in Crete, Greece
Project events Stakeholder outreach

MAKERS workshop at the "Students' Digital Creativity Festival" in Crete, Greece

The local 11th Students' Digital Creativity Festival took place at Chania, Crete over 2 days (12-13 May) and was supported by the Directorate of Education of Chania. Day 1: MAKERS workshop by N. Anastasakis and C.Koutsourelakis (DSEC), students of the Music School of Chania, and Tzeni Koutsabesi and Michalis Menioudakis...
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Mugla Directorate of Eduction organizes teacher trainings
Teacher training

Mugla Directorate of Eduction organizes teacher trainings

During January and February 2022, Muğla Provincial Directorate of National Education organized a series of trainings on PYTHON-TINKERCAD - working with a 3D Printer. A total of 120 teachers from the Mugla province took part in the initiative. Trainings were held in schools in different districts and benefited teachers from...
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Maker Schools Stakeholder Survey in Manisa, Turkey
Stakeholder outreach

Maker Schools Stakeholder Survey in Manisa, Turkey

The Maker Schools project teams in Manisa, Turkey carried out an online survey to consult stakeholders about the planned project results. Around 60 respondents were reached - teachers and school administrators. Nearly 80% of the respondents have not participated in trainings on the MAKERS topics before and almost all have...
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Maker Schools Stakeholder Survey in Mugla, Turkey
Stakeholder outreach

Maker Schools Stakeholder Survey in Mugla, Turkey

In the period February-May 2021, the Maker Schools project teams in Mugla, Turkey carried out an online survey to consult stakeholders about the planned project results. Around 100 respondents were reached, the majority of whom students. It is encouraging that a lot of teachers also provided feedback. Most of the...
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Stakeholder Event in Greece
Project events Stakeholder outreach

Stakeholder Event in Greece

The Maker Schools Stakeholder Workshop was organized by the Directorate of Secondary Education of Chania. It took place online on the 1st of March 2021. The event was also promoted by school advisor of informatics (region of Crete). 40 secondary school teachers took part in the event – teachers with...
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Maker Schools Stakeholder Survey in Greece
Stakeholder outreach

Maker Schools Stakeholder Survey in Greece

An online survey was organized in Greece in February 2021. There were 37 participants: 67% were teachers, 19% were school directors and 14%  were experts on 3D  technologies and programming. 70% stated that they do not have access to a 3D printer at school. A remarkable 30% were teachers with...
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Maker Schools Stakeholder Survey in Bulgaria
Stakeholder outreach

Maker Schools Stakeholder Survey in Bulgaria

During February 2021, the Maker Schools project team in Bulgaria carried out an online survey to consult stakeholders about the project issues and planned outputs. More than 260 responses were received, 55% of which from students, 40% from teachers, and 5% from school administrators and directors. A remarkable 95% of...
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Kick-off meeting
Project events

Kick-off meeting

The MAKER SCHOOLS kick-off meeting was organized online in the period 14-15 December 2020.
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